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Our mission

It all starts at Seventeen.

It all starts at Seventeen

Since 1944, Seventeen has been young America’s favorite brand. Our highly engaged audience relies on us to help them navigate early adulthood and all its major firsts. We help a new generation celebrate their place in the world.

Since 1944, Seventeen has been young America’s favorite brand. Our highly engaged audience relies on us to help them navigate early adulthood and all its major firsts. We help a new generation celebrate their place in the world.

Willa Bennett


Willa Bennett Editor-In-Chief

“Seventeen is for anyone and everyone looking to find their place in the world.”

Brand stats

Meet Our Audience

Seventeen stats image 1
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  • 19.2MTotal Brand Impressions
  • 2.8MSite Visitors
  • 16.4MSocial Followers
  • 30.3Median Age
  • $94,450Median HHI
  • 2.4M(Index 175)Gen Z/Millennials
  • 0.5M(Index 273)College Students
  • 1.7M(Index 125)Single


  • Media/PR

    Jaime Marsanico

  • Affiliate Partnerships

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